Service vignette Austria

How it works:

You use our route and road tool to find the toll fees and vignettes you need for your intended journey within Europe. You add your desired vignettes to a shopping basket and ask us to settle the purchase of your vignette for you. Settlement varies depending on your travel destination and the countries you will be visiting. For most countries in Europe, you can buy a required vignette directly from us. For Austria it works differently. Here, you ask us to buy the vignette you require on your behalf and for your account. Our service is carried out directly and digitally. Delivery of your desired vignette also takes place digitally, generally by provision via e-mail, i.e. either by us directly or, in the specific case of Austria, by the Toll Charging Authority directly to you. For questions, suggestions or if you have a complaint, you can contact our Dutch-speaking helpdesk by telephone from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can also send us an e-mail (link to contact page and complaint page).

What we commit ourselves to:

We undertake to purchase for you, in your name and at your expense, the digital vignette you require under the terms and conditions of the Toll Charging Authority and to have it delivered to you by that authority in accordance with those terms and conditions. Our service is limited to this. Should you encounter any problems at any time in your relationship with Toll Charger and in the execution or use of the vignette, we will of course endeavour to advise and assist you to solve the problem in relation to Toll Charger. However, the Toll Charging Authority is responsible for the issue of the vignette and access to (use of) the toll-paying motorways. We are not. Of course we are responsible for the payment of the regular Vignette price to the Toll Charger.

The vignette is requested from the Toll Charging Authority in your name and for your account. This means that we are not a party to the agreement between them and you. A direct consequence is that, for any changes to the vignette, you must contact the Toll Charging Authority itself. We cannot arrange this for you.